Truly, we're in a winding down mode. The kids know it too, although a couple of them were surprised to learn that we only have one more group meeting.... that's an executive functioning deficit. They go on, living in the present, and forgot to anticipate or plan for upcoming events. They don't even get onto their radar. What to do? Practice, create visual schedules, practice/rehearse some more. What not to do? Yell, threaten, punish. Not only will they learn nothing, it can affect their self-esteem (yes... really!) and makes them feel intellectually inferior. Ironically, the more gifted the child, the more inferior they tend to feel and hold on to it.

We had 13 teens attending and they split up into three groups of foursomes and one group of five (they finished first, somehow). Everyone balanced having a good time, socializing, and playing. I got plenty of exercise traveling among the three groups taking pictures.
After they finished, we had tokens for them to play in the arcade for about 15 minutes before it was time to travel to the Galleria for dinner. No one complained when it was time to stop and we collected outside. I drove (so I could bring the counselors back and the three counselors went with the teens). By the time I had parked and walked over the Fuddruckers, out meeting place, they were just coming up the walkway. It couldn't have been timed any better. What I especially liked was how cohesive they all looked. Some slightly out of breath.... no one in an apparent foul mood or complaining.
As it turned out, there were two other food places near Fuddruckers, Quiznos, and a Japanese restaurant. I let them choose among the three and we congregated outside at the tables. Everything went smoothly and they just ate and socialized during this time.
I was worried about the pickup, even to the point of checking with an LAPD Traffic Control Officer after being informed by a parent that our planned pickup may not be safe. He assured me that the turnout was designated for that purpose, just not to park and leave the car. Because it is painted red, not "white," I can see where this is confusing (wrote down his badge number just in case). As worked out, the pickup went very smoothly and nearly all of the parents picked up their kids on time.
So, one more meeting left. You will be receiving two emails from Stacy. The first is to help us determine whether you are interested in the Summer Program. The second is our "end of year" parent feedback. We are doing it one session ahead, primarily for families who need to have reports completed for summer.
One parent dinner coming up, Tuesday, June 1st and our final meeting is on Thursday June 3rd. We'll be going to the park and then to CPK for our final dinner. How time flies!